Designer’s Advice: The Choice of Style – What’s Next?

The choice of interior style is one of the key tasks. An unprepared person can hardly perform that task on his own, because there are too many things to consider. So, what happens next – after the customer has defined his or her style preferences? Marina Mironova, a designer, co-operating with the company Davanti, tells us all about it.
Beauty and Comfort
One should not begin with the choice of style; the main purpose is to create a beautiful and comfortable interior, corresponding to the feelings of the customer. And the designer should offer competent solutions in using space, light, materials and others in order to create a harmonious unity in the interior. This is what brings the client to finalize the choice of one or another style.
Finding a Way through a Portfolio
To make it easier for a customer to find his way, it is recommended that he looks through a designer’s portfolio (completed projects by a designer) along with other information sources. Thus, having seen the full picture, the customer can discuss own ideas and thoughts with the designer. Based on this information, the designer prepares at least 2-3 sketches, which later serve to form the final design project.
Official Concept
This design project becomes the official concept of creating the interior, and it is a guideline for everybody – from the artist to the construction worker. In several cases the project should be conformed to a certified architect and controlling authorities. It should also take account of every detail – the perspective of space, color spectrum, light, service lines, built-in constructions, furniture placement, and others.
Do not Diverge!
The designer and construction workers follow the design project when making an estimate and buying materials. It also serves as a guideline when defining the terms of completing the work. Any divergence from this plan brings on additional expenses, and the customer should be aware of that beforehand.
Stereotypes to Be Broken
What else is there to know? You probably need to learn about the major constructions that your house is made of. For example, there is an opinion that no bearing wall can be taken down. In most situations that is the case, of course. However, there are exceptions. If you can provide supporting constructions and conform this to the authorities, then bearing walls can be worked on in order to make a beautiful interior.
Designer’s Inspection
Further on the designer performs the designer’s inspection on implementing the design project. Why is that necessary? First, because the customer (who usually works) simply is not able to follow everything up. Second, in order to get the expected result, the implementation of all your combined ideas. Third, to avoid mistakes, because fixing them requires additional expenses.
The Final Stage
The final stage of the project is last, but not the least. This is when you place furniture, lamps, accessories, interior details and at the same time work on décor. According to Marina Mironova, without this stage the interior will not be complete. “When I work on design, I do that with all my heart!” she says.